In this article we are going to start with using the Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7 development. I was working on a requirement and suddenly got a chance to look into the Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7 and it was very much impressive to use. So I just thought of sharing this article to my readers to get the complete idea on using the controls one by one. Here in this series we will see each of the control and its properties to get clear idea on the controls. Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7 is a licensed product from Telerik, to get hands on before buying the product Telerik has provided the Trail Version for the developers to get hands on before buying the product.
[more]Link to download –
Once the executable are downloaded we can install the application by running as an administrator and we can see the set up wizard opened as shown in the screen below. Just follow the steps to install the executable to the development environment. Just have a look on the Agreement details and click I Agree – Continue button to proceed further.
Now we can see the options to install the RadControls to a particular folder, by default the folder selected to install the application will be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\RadControls for Windows Phone 7 Q3 2011 as shown in the screen below. We can change the folder location by clicking on the Customize Button and selecting the appropriate folder then click on Install button to install the application.
Now we can see the RadControls are being installed to the respective folder selected as shown in the screen below.
Once the installation is completed we can see the result on the successful completion as shown in the screen below. We are now ready to start with the development with the Telerik RadControls by using the templates installed with the Visual Studio 2010 template list. Additionally we can also see a shortcut icon gets created at the desktop with the name RadControls for Windows Phone 7 Q3 2011 Demos. Clicking on the shortcut will open the template for the RadControls with Visual Studio 2010.
Now we are well set to start using the controls, to start with we can just open Visual Studio 2010 IDE and we can see the Telerik Menu to select the Rad Controls for Windows Phone 7 Template as shown in the screen below.
On selecting the Create New Telerik Project we an see the options to select the C# based project or a VB.NET based project as shown in the screen below.
We will see in detail on creating and working on the projects in our future articles. Also we will see what are the controls available for the windows phone 7 development. Telerik provides a list of RadControls for the Windows Phone 7 development as shown in the list below.
- Animation Framework
- ApplicationFrame
- AutoCompleteBox
- BusyIndicator
- BulletGraph
- Calendar
- Chart
- ContextMenu
- DataBoundListBox
- DatePicker
- DateSelector
- DockPanel
- Gauge
- JumpList
- LayoutTransform
- ListPicker
- LoopingList
- MessageBox
- NumericUpDown
- PickerBox
- SlideView
- ToggleSwitch
- TimePicker
- TimeSelector
- TransitionControl
- UniformGrid
- Window
- WrapPanel
We are going to see more on these controls in this series in detail, till then happy programming!!!