Question 91 – What is an Interface?
- An interface looks like a class, but has no implementation.
- An interface is a named set of method signatures.
- An Interface is a reference type and it contains only abstract members.
- An interface is an array of related function that must be implemented in derived type.
- Members of an interface are implicitly public & abstract.
- It can contain definitions of events, indexers, methods parameter less and parameterful properties.
- The interface can’t contain constants, data fields, constructors, destructors and static members.
- All the member declarations inside interface are implicitly public.
- Interfaces are great for putting together plug-n-play like architectures where components can be interchanged at will. Since all interchangeable components implement the same interface, they can be used without any extra programming.
Question 92 – What is a difference between Abstract Class and Interface?
Abstract Class
Cannot be instantiated, means one cannot make a object of this class. |
We can only define method definition and no implementation. |
Access modifiers are allowed | Access modifiers are not allowed |
Some methods can be concrete | All methods are abstract |
A class can inherit only one abstract class | A class can inherit many interface. |
Can have any access modifiers | By default its public static final |
Can have constructor and destructor | Cannot have constructor and destructor |
Only one abstract class can be derived | Class can have multiple interfaces |
Requires more time to find actual method in class | Faster |
Abstract class provides 0 to 100% generalization | Interface provides 100% generalization |
It provides both generalization and specialization | Interface provides only Generalization |
Question 93 – What is a Constructor?
- Constructor is used to initialize an object (instance) of a class.
- Constructor is a like a method without any return type.
- Constructor has same name as class name.
- Constructor follows the access scope (Can be private, protected, public, Internal and external).
- Constructor can be overloaded, means we can have constructors with different set of parameters.
- We can always make the call to one constructor from within the other constructor.
- Only this and base keywords allowed in initializing constructors, other method calls will raise error.
Question 94 – What is a Constructor chaining?
Overloading the constructor using the this and base keywords so that it overload is called constructor chaining
Question 95 – What are the Types of constructors?
- Static Constructor
- Default Constructor
- Private Constructor
- Copy Constructor
- Parameterized Constructor
Question 96 – What is a Private Constructor?
- Used to prevent the user to instantiate the class directly.
- Used to prevent the creation of instances of a class when there are no instance fields or methods
- A private constructor is a special instance constructor.
- It is commonly used in classes that contain static members only.
- If a class has one or more private constructors and no public constructors, then other classes (except nested classes) are not allowed to create instances of this class.
- Note that if you don’t use an access modifier with the constructor it will still be private by default.
- Private constructors are used to restrict the instantiation of object using ‘new’ operator.
- This type of constructors is mainly used for creating singleton object.
- Can use nested class (Inner Class) or static method to initialize a class having private constructor.
- Example of Private Constructor – Math class
Question 97 – What is a Static Constructors?
- Special constructor and gets called before the first object is created of the class.
- The time of execution cannot be determined, but it is definitely before the first object creation – could be at the time of loading the assembly.
- Static constructors might be convenient, but they are slow. The runtime is not smart enough to optimize them in the same way it can optimize inline assignments.
- The static constructor for a class executes before any of the static members for the class are referenced.
- The static constructor for a class executes after the static field initializers (if any) for the class.
- A static constructor cannot be called directly.
- The user has no control on when the static constructor is executed in the program.
- Example – When the class is using a log file and the constructor is used to write entries to this file.
Question 98 – What are the features of Static Constructor?
- Only one Static constructor – Overloading needs the two methods to be different in terms to methods definition, so you can have at the most one static constructor
- Without parameters – It is going to be called by CLR, who can pass the parameters to it, if required, No one, so we cannot have parameterized static constructor.
- Access only static members – If allowed to work on non-static members, will reflect the changes in all the object instances, which is impractical. Non-static members in the class are specific to the object instance
- No access modifier – The call to the static method is made by the CLR and not by the object, so we do not need to have the access modifier to it.
Question 99 – What is a Default Constructor?
- A default constructor is a constructor in both that has no parameters or where it has parameters they are all defaulted.
- If no constructor is supplied then the compiler will supply a default constructor.
- This default constructor is a parameter less constructor with no body, which calls the parameter less constructor of the base class.
Question 100 – What is a COPY Constructor?
- C# does not provide a copy constructor.
- A copy constructor is a special constructor used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object.
- This constructor takes a single argument: a reference to the object to be copied.
- It is a great convenience to create copy constructor for C# classes using Reflection.
- If you create a new object and want to copy the values from an existing object, you have to write the appropriate method yourself.
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